15 May 2007

HK Addict

After another trip across the water to Hong Kong it's official, I am addicted to the place! The shopping is superb (as a current acquisition above can attest), the drivers are more patient (and on the correct side of the road!) and the atmosphere is infinitely more energised than where I am currently living on the mainland. I toyed breifly with the idea of trying to find a job there, but I know if I did that, that I would go broke very quickly, way too many temptations there! This time last week I was returning from my little expeditition, can't quite believe how fast this year is ticking over. Work is busy with no signs of slowing down. I am learning a lot and even managed to conduct some placements tests, which is talking to potential students to find out what level they are. It's a quick and painless process that saw me earn around 150 RMB for doing 3 of them! I feel like my apprenticeship (it truly feels like that's what it is) is coming along well and am feeling more settled with all of my classes. The weather is warming up quickly and even though summer is weeks away, it feels as though it has arrived already. The ladies of Shenzhen can be seen hiding under a myriad of coloured umbrellas, shading themselves from the intense heat. I am on the brink of buying one myself! I'll leave off here, God bless you all, you're in my thoughts and prayers as always. xo

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