10 January 2009

Shanhaiguan and Snow

Shanhaiguan is an out of the way kind of town, which famous for the section of Great Wall that meets the sea! It's a gem of a place, lots of the wall explore with the ocean and mountains as it's backdrop.

For more photos go to

We had some snow here recently, was hoping for a White Christmas but it arrived 2 days late! Ah well, better late than never. I get excited every time it snows, so pretty and the air is so much cleaner! Just a couple of happy snaps posted here of the experience.

Pickles, Pinenuts and A Polar Bear

The cryptic title of this post refers to my purchases during my recent trip to Harbin (a plush toy polar bear I should add). This city is in the far north-east of China, and is close to Siberia. Every year at this time they host a snow and ice festival. It is freezing, around -25 degrees celcius but a really wonderful experience! I've posted a few photos here, but for an expanded look click on the links below for an expanded look. The architecture has lots of Russian influence and there were plenty of Russians still around town. I visited Sun Island which plays host to some very impressive snow sculptures. Zhaolin Park showcased the ice lanterns (ice sculptures illuminated with coloured lights) and the Siberian Tiger park has a very successful breeding program. I enjoyed the sights and some Russian cuisine during my three day visit. Harbin is a truly unique city!